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I might be addicted to coffee, at least it's not acohol?

Some people might say I'm "addicted" to coffee. I might agree with them. However I suppose it's better than drinking alcohol and being addicted to that? I actually don't drink for that very reason. I have alcoholics in my family line and believe it's a generational curse. Even when I used to drink, I could feel a strong urge in me to always just have one more, and another, and another. You may laugh and say "what's wrong with that?" Well if you can't stop, then there is an issue you NEED to deal with. This is why I don't drink, too much urge to keep going.

Maybe this is the same way with coffee though? I believe I could drink coffee ALL DAY LONG!! Seriously. Cup after cup after cup. It really wouldn't phase me a bit, although my teeth may turn a nice pretty shade of yellow which I know my wife would love!

This coming year I am going to try something that I haven't done in about 5 years. (And it WILL be a challenge for me) Although I'm not Catholic, it's still probably a good discipline for me. During the Lent season, I am going to fast coffee and probably detox in general. There. I said it. I will fast coffee for around 44 days or so. And yes, it's 3 months away, but I've gotta gear myself up and start weening myself soon.

Just gotta make it through the holidays!

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  1. Blogger Eric | 10:26 AM |  

    Interesting to see how this effects Sunday Mornings...

    Maybe I should follow - with Diet Cokes...